- Turn off - Tancar
- Turn on - Encendre
- Take off - Treure
- Fall off - Caure
- Look after - Tenir cura de... /cuidar
- Get into - Entrar
- Get out - Sortir
- Get off - Sortir
- Stand up - Aixecar-se
- Sit down - Sentar-se
- Pick up - Agafar del terra
- Put on - Posar
- Put down - Posar al terra.
Take off your helmet. - Treute el casc.
Take off your helmet. - Treute el casc.
Look after a horse. - Tingues cura del cavall
Put on your glasses. - Posat les ulleres.
Stand up, please! - Aixecat, sisplau!
- You must wear a helmet.
- You have to sit down.
- You mustn't cycle here.
Rule: This is IMPORTANT or it is a rule or law.
- We should be careful.
- We shouldn't listen to him.
Rule: We recommend this. It is a RECOMEDATION but it isn't a rule.
No obligation:
- You don't have to worry about it.
Give Advice
I have a problem...
- I'm stresed because I have a very difficult exam.
- If I were you, I wold... eat a big sandwich.
- I think you should... drink some water.
- Why don't you... think about yor holidays?
- I have a headache
- If I were you, I wold... have bath.
- I think you should... take a aspirin.
- Why don't you... put a ice in forehead?
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